Trademark is the sign or symbol used by the company to distinguish their good and services from other companies in the market. Every company needs to protect and develop a brand that can remind them among people. We all know that today people remind about the product through their logo and without it get difficult to separate each other company products or services. So when you start a business then you have to apply for the trademark registration. If you are a beginner in the field of a business start-up then no need to worry.
We are always ready to help a client and also offer trademark service at the affordable price with ease. Our company is ready to provide the guide while you are having registration for the trademark in Singapore. We know that in every country small and big businesses are running and the company owner protects their goods and service under the trademark laws.
Our specialist and the expert team always ready to helps and get into the right process when enlisting for the trademark. Without wasting time you should immediately register for the trademark and grow business with ease. Our expert team also provides guaranteed to offer satisfaction with all requirements fulfilment held during the process. Our advisor also helps in filling the correct application with the right process for the trademark
How to identify the trademark?
You can explore that there are two types of symbols through which you can easily identify the trademark one is TM and another is ®. These two symbols have different meaning such as:
- ® This is referred to as the protected and registered trademark and follows the trademark laws
- TM refers to the identification mark and it is used as the trademark by the business owner. But this trademark is not registered or protected with the trademark laws.
Benefits of trademark filing service
With the protection and registration, the trademark also offers a variety of benefits to the business owners.
Quality assurance
When you opt for the trademark to the good or service then it also assures the quality among customers. Your business symbol is like a sending of the message to customers that you run the business with pride and all the work you did was invested.
Lawful rights
The prime motive of the trademark is to sign for recognizing purposes and used by the specific company to save them from getting mix with others in the market. Trademark registration is very important for rights to empower your business and you as in the market the same things selling by a variety of companies.
Barring other to copy
Once you get the trademark into your business then no-one in the market can copy the material. If they did it then it is known as fake or fraud which is not good for that company.
International legal protection
If in any case, any third party uses the trademark then you can claim against them and can also be filed through the Madrid Protocol System. This way, you can easily stop the infringing parties from using your trademark.
Tax Rebates
When you get business registered with the trademark then you can enjoy up to 400% discounts from the Singapore Government. This way you can easily balance the costs acquire for enrolling the trademark.
Requirements you need while registering the trademark
When we fill the application for the trademark service then you have to provide some documents and information then only we can obtain the filling date such as:
- Statement for the registration request.
- Name and address of the business owner.
- Graphical representation of the trademark
- List of goods and services you want to register
- Declaration to use the trademark
- Now you have to pay a fee for applying.
When should register for the trademark
Well, there is no time limit for registering the trademark in Singapore. You can achieve the trademark from the filling of application to the registration offered by the government. For the application you have to follow procedure otherwise it can ruin all things.
We are one of the best trademark registration service providers so that business owner can mark their right over selling goods and services.
Should you have any queries, send an email to us at